Week Events
Pet Battle Bonus Event
Put your best battle pet teams to the test with this week’s event. To get in on the action, open your Pet Journal (Collections Shift+ P) and click the “Find Battle” button to match up with an opponent with their own team of well-trained companions.
During this event, you will get the Sign of the Critter which increases experience gained by pets by 100%. This should help a lot with getting a crew of pets up to 25.
In addition, you can complete the quest
The Very Best which requires you to win 5 PvP pet battles by queuing up through the Find Battle system in your pet journal, you can earn an
Ultimate Battle-Training Stone which will instantly level one of your pets up to level 25.
There are lots of achievements you can complete by doing PvP pet battles, such as:
No Time To Heal,
Vengeful Pet Brawler,
Brutal Pet Brawler (which awards
Stunted Direhorn), and
Deadly Pet Brawler, which awards the Trainer %s title.
This weekend bonus event will help you gain experience while doing wild pet and trainer battles.
While this event is active, your pets will earn experience at triple the usual rate! Get out there and battle!
PvP Brawl: Deepwind Dunk
Can you even dunk? If you want to win this brawl, you’re going to need to work on your skills because Dunkball has come to Pandaria. You’ll race to claim balls from the map’s center, or northern, or southern mines, take them to your enemy’s base, and then go for a magnificent long range shot or go all in for the dunk.
Guild Events
PvP Night – Thursday 6:00pm (PST)
Hosted by: Geegeebolts/Haylee
Grab your sturdiest wrench and take the fight to the Horde! These hardy and wily gnomes band together and take on anyone foolhardy enough to challenge them! Join Geegeeboltz and other bloodthirsty guildmates in Player vs Player completing weekly quests and activities ranging from battlegrounds to open world!
“We strike from the bushes. The Horde never see us coming!”
M.Y.T.H.I.C.- Saturday 10:00am (PST)
Hosted by: Iylina
Have a thirst for pushing keys? Or want to have fun with your gnomies? Join the Mighty Yowling Tactical Hardened Infantry Company as these elite five man groups of gnomes brave the dungeons of Shadowlands with tactical speed and precision!
R.A.I.D.- Sunday 3:30pm (PST)
Hosted by: Iylina
Our Ridiculously Advanced Infantry & Demolition have done it! We took down the Jailer and earned ourselves a nice pack of jelly cat mounts! This week G4 will be testing our might and returning to Fated: Castle Nathria!
Raid mog theme for the week is; Bust Out Your Pink!